Surely you are tired of the situation in Honduras. You are tired of watching all the benefits disappear for which you pay taxes. Or, you’re tired of never even receiving those benefits.
Surely you hit the LIKE button on Facebook posts of users like Anonymous Honduras, Indignados, NotiBomba, etc. and you feel rage building up in your heart due to all the injustice.
Or, you’re tired of watching violence and injustice, terrorism in the rest of the world.
I fell that too. I’m tired too. I’m fed up too.
It’s because of this, that not only our words and thoughts will change the status quo. Because whoever said that words and thoughts aren’t part of the change, is wrong in my opinion. That’s where change begins. But change is produced. And produce is a verb, not a noun. Therefore, to PRODUCE you need to ACT.
One of the poorest communities in Honduras is the area of La Mosquitia (Moskitia). If you’ve seen poverty in children in the capital city Tegucigalpa, or the industrial city San Pedro Sula, or the Mayan city of Copan or any other place in this country, La Mosquitia is 5 or 10 times worse. There is no access to anything. No public transportation, unless its by a small skiff. Mainland has to access through small aircraft or a 7-hour or more skiff ride. It’s an abandoned area. You can compare a picture of it from the 70’s to what it looks like today and there is very minimal difference.
The Waits family, from Texas, decided to abandon their comfort and security in the USA and obey God who sent them on a mission to La Mosquitia. Their 2-year plan turned out to be their lives there today. With the help of others in Texas and other states as well as people in La Ceiba, San Pedro Sula and Puerto Lempira in Honduras, they have built a small school named Instituto Vida Abundante, where besides receiving education, kids can enjoy 2 meals a day, uniforms, school supplies and spiritual guidance.
So, I’m writing to YOU. Yes, YOU. You who are reading this today, you who might be Honduran or Latino, or not. You who want to see a change in the world.
Do you really want to see the world change? YOU HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE IT YOURSELF.
And you might say: “Well, I can’t right now. I’m busy.” or “I don’t have that kind of money.”
I say: “You don’t need much. Let’s stop the complaining and let’s ACT.”
Instituto Vida Abundante in La Mosquitia needs 300 backpacks full of school supplies before September 1st, 2016. (Hurry!) Please find the list below of what the nees are:
One backpack
10 notebooks (spiral oro composition)
1 package colored penciles (12 units)
1 package markers (10 units)
1 pair of adult scissors
20 black pens
20 blue pens
48 pencils
24 pencil top erasers
2 large erasers
1 pencil sharpener (that fits in the pencil bag)
10glue sticks
1 ruler
1 package index cards 3X5 (300 count)
1 package white board markers
1 roll masking tape
Where to deliver:
Suzanne Rajkumar
Casa#2, Colonia La Trejo,
23A Avenida SO,
12B Calle
Tel. 9982-6053
Monday – Friday 9:00am – 6:00pm; Saturday9:00am – 5:00pm
Juan Carlos Núñez Ávila
Calle Principal La Leona #1028
Tel. 9545-1645
Monday – Saturday 8am- 4pm
Melissa Fortin
3605A. S. College Ave.
Bryan, TX 77801
Tel. 979.481.7891
Tuesday – Saturday 10:00am – 6:00pm
We’ve created a Registry on each Walmart/Target for your convenience. Please select each and all items on the list and ship to the address provided there.
OTHER– Contact Reach Out Honduras
USA: Send check to
Reach Out Honduras
PO Box 2993 McKinney, TX 75070
HONDURAS: Deposit in
Banco Atlantida, Alexander Waits, #3201252172, Checking Account
Before September 1st, 2016